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Q: Do all drains lead to the ocean?
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Related questions

What type of drain goes to the ocean?

All of them..... "All drains lead to the ocean!" From Finding Nemo

What land of Montana drains into the pacific ocean?

The West land of Montana drains into the Pacific Ocean.

What are some problems with storm drains?

it goes up in the ocean

What river Drains the water from the great lake into the Atlantic Ocean?

St.Lawrence river

How does fertilizer affect your oceans?

First, the fertilizer flows into the storm drains. The storm drains flow into streams or rivers, and then the rivers flow into the ocean.

Where does the river Zambezi start and end?

it starts in the mountains then ends in the indian ocean

Where does the water in the outdoor drains lead?

rainwater in hamilton ends up in the waikato river

Who causes ocean dumping?

People are the main cause of ocean dumping.And ocean dumping is caused by oil pollution, marine debris, and toxic material. These industrial wastes find their way to the ocean through the drains.

Do all rivers join to the ocean?

yes, or they can also lead into a lake if u want to get technical.

What is the in Brazil near the equator?

The river that is near the equator and in Brazil is the Amazon River. This river drains into the Atlantic Ocean.

Is a lake a small part of ocean?

i say yes because some lakes can lead up to the ocean and also no because not all lakes lead up so it kind of both but if i had to pick one i would say no

who does french drains in my area ?

Ingersoll Rand does good work on french drains and all types of plumbing work.