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They are the best match for each other. They have an excellent connection; and the deepest capacities for love. I hope to get a Virgo soon <3

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Q: Do Virgos an taurus macth
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Which signs are attracted to Virgos?


What signs are attracted to Taurus?

Capricorns, Virgos, Pisces, and Taurus itself are typically the signs most attracted to Taurus.

What is Virgos perfect love match?

Taurus &lt;3

What signs are Virgos most compatible with?

Capricorn, Taurus, Scorpio, and Cancer are the signs most compatible with Virgo.

What is geminis enemy?

Geminis are enemies with other Geminis, Taurus and Scorpio. Depends on other person's rising signs.

What is Virgo mst compartible with?

Virgos are most compatible with Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. They all share the same element: Earth.

What signs make a good couple with a Capricorn?

Capricorns are best compatible with Taurus, scorpions, Virgos, and Pisces. i will count Capricorn and cancer. They are worse compatible with Libras and Aquarius.

Who are Virgos not compatible with?

Taurus,Capricorn are the most compatible.Cancer and scorpio's are second most compatible and pieces and gemini may sometimes like each other .

What signs are Virgo's compatible with?

Taurus is the best for Virgo, and Virgos and Capricorns are second best. Also; Aries and Geminis are pretty good too. Avoid Scorpios and Cancers. They'll most likely end up in shambles.

Are Leo women and Virgo men compatible?

No, Leo is a fire symbol while Virgo is earth, fire will burn the earth while earth will put out the fire. Leos are best compatible with other Leos, Aries and Sagittarians, Virgos are most compatible with other Virgos, Taurus and Capricorn

What is a Virgo campatible with?

Virgos would work very well with Taurus in a relationship. They are both good with money, they both like to collect beautiful things, etc. Virgos would also work well with Scorpios. They also can hang onto money, and anything that sours can be fixed in bed.

Do Libras or Virgos worry more?
