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Yes. there are so many similarities in nature that the two that the pair nay fit nicely together. However there may be a lack of stimulation and boredom in some areas. The shared appreciation for sensuality can make for fantastic love making.

Yes. This appears to be a compatible combination. However, due to the tendencies of jealousy and stubborness associated withTaurus, there could be problems. During difficult times, it is crucial that one of the partners be willing to give way or the relationship could be in serious danger. If the love is strong, the union will doubtless intensify with the passage of years.

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Q: Do Taurus and Taurus make a good match?
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NOPE. Sorry.

Is a Taurus and a Scorpio a good match?

Yes, they do.

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A good match, but just not the best. There will certainely be some problems, but it's a good match and all. Ehhhh I'd recommend Cancer for Pisces and Virgo for Taurus.

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4 out of 5 stars More like 4.0 out of 5 at first; but when it comes down to it, about 3.0 out of 5.

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Are Taurus and Leo a good mach when both are femail?

Good match, but just make sure that you read each other right and do the right thing or else the relationship will have a lot of arguing.

What is a good match for Virgo?

Taurus, Aries, Capricorn, Scorpio, and sometimes Virgo too.

Which are the good match for a Taurus?

You can't have a perfect match only through the sun sign. Even then, I'm not sure if there is a thing as such as the perfect match as all relationships will come with lessons. But capricorn, cancer, pisces, scorpio and virgo can work really well for a taurus.

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What zodiac signs match Taurus?

Virgo is definitely best; Capricorn and Taurus itself are close seconds though.