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A Pagan Answer

All magic should be used for good... it works better that way... there is also the Rule of Three to take into account and the simple fact that magic should always be done with the complete knowledge and express permission of the person the "spell" is being cast upon.

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12y ago

Witchcraft is just one of a large number of spiritual paths collected under the umbrella term Paganism.

As a spiritual path the Craft does not use its power (magic) for evil.

Magic itself is neither good or evil, it is, simply stated, the manipulation of naturally occurring forces by the hand and will of a (hopefully) ethical practitioner.

Non-practitioners should not consider dabbling in witchcraft any more than a non-priest should consider giving absolution. Work within the structure you know.

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ya its part of it. In some of the branches of Paganism you can and do find people who use witchcraft as part of their spiritual path, however it is a personal choice and not all use it. To use an old mathematical formula... All Witchcraft is Pagan, but not all Paganism is Witchcraft.

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Witchcraft is one of the most misunderstood and maligned spiritual paths in the world today.

How do use witchcraft?

It is a group of religions. It is not "used".

How do you use witchcraft?

Witchcraft is a way of life. It is a religion (or, rather, a group of religions) and magick. One form is Wicca.

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Yes they did

How do you use the word witchcraft?

I use it to describe my own personal spiritual path.

What is white witchcraft?

A "White Witch" is known by the unlearned as someone who practices "good" magic. Magic has no color though so there is no white or black magick. There is only ones interpretation of what is good or bad.

What were Merlin's link's to witchcraft?

his link with witchcraft is supposed, that he was a wizard who would cast spells Good or bad. Films were later made called merlin.

What is a witchcraft craze?

Normally, Witchcraft is the use or belief in a demonic art or power. and Craze would be and obsession. So someone obsessed with Demonic ideology