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There is no such spell that can turn little girls into mermaids, and therefore nothing to undo them with.

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Kaitlyn Miller

Lvl 2
3y ago

can you undo a mermaid spell? in my opinion, I think you can't undo a mere maid spell I do not no if know if any of you are you might have a different thought.

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How do you reverse the mermaid spell?

There is no such spell to turn you into a mermaid.

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There are no spells that will turn you into a mermaid.

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If you are a mermaid you can get legs by doing the mermaid reversal spell type:22Q56J.

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There are no spells that will turn you into a mermaid.

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What is a mermaid spell that works and will turn you into a mermaid with powers when touch water?

Mermaids are not real. They come from legends and fairy tales. You can not use a spell to make you a mermaid. There is no such thing.

Can you do a mermaid spell a 6 time?

You can do a mermaid spell as many times as you wish and you will not turn into a mermaid. People can not change into mermaids. Mermaids are not real and are only make believe.

How can you reverse a mermaid spell?

You can't reverse a mermaid spell because neither spells nor mermaids are real to begin with.

What is the one day mermaid spell that turns you into a mermaid for a day does not need a mermaid's help to achieve?

There are no such spells.

Can you do a mermaid spell a 4TH time?

You can do a mermaid spell a million times and you won't become a mermaid. Magic spells are not real and can NOT turn you into a mermaid. Mermaids are not real. People can not turn into anything. It is all make believe.

How do you take off a mermaid spell?

Since there is no such things as a mermaid spell you don't have to worry. You don't have a spell on you. Spells are not real and people can not become mermaids. It is all make believe.