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yes.that is what people usually see.mostly in a house that someone could Have passed away in.

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Q: Can you see the spirits in the form of shadow?
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When do you see the smallest shadow form and why?

Midday because the sun is right above you.

Do ghosts have a shadow?

Ghosts are typically considered to be energy or spirits, so they do not have physical form or substance to cast a shadow. Traditional beliefs suggest that ghosts are manifestations of the spirit or soul of a deceased person, so they wouldn't interact with light in the same way as physical objects.

Can people see spirits and ghost?

Yes, and you know it because if you see a white mist shaped like a human it tells you it's a ghost or a spirit or a shadow blocking light but there is nothing in the light's way.

Can people see Midna when you are in wolf form?

In both the twilight and the light, the answer would be no, because she tends to stay in Link's shadow, where she will not be harmed from the intense light. In the twilight, she likely can be seen by her own people, but to the humans, Hylians, etc. she will not be seen as they have been transformed into spirits while she has not.

Why do a shadow form behind the a tree?

We can only see something if light is reflected off it. Our eyes see shadows because there is less light reflected from the shadow than the surrounding area.

Do you see spirits when you are a baby?

There is no evidence to confirm nor refute the claim that infants see spirits.

When will you get to see shadow in sonic unleashed?

shadow isn't in sonic unleashed... unless you mean sonic's 'were-hog' form if that's what you mean, you see him when you are in most of the gaia gates or in the nighttime stages yes he is at the end of the game

What is desert shadow?

Perhaps you are referring to a rain shadow desert? Mountains sometimes form a barrier that blocks the natural flow of atmospheric moisture into an area and forms rain shadow deserts. See diagram above.

Did the groundhog see his shadow for 2-2-11?

He did not see his shadow.

Can you partially see spirits?


When was See Me in Shadow created?

See Me in Shadow was created on 2007-07-02.

Are black ghosts real?

black ghosts are real. Most of the time black ghosts are either older spirits that dont have enough energy to show who they really are, therefor showing up as a black shadow. And some of the black shadows are other spirits that dont want you to see who they really are, or they may not even be human spirits. So take note, not all black shadows are bad.