

Best Answer

No. You can't make your dreams come true, unless the dream is a fairly realistic one, such as forgetting to wear pants. Dreams that include fantismal or scientific anomolies, however, could never possibly come true.

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Travis Dach

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Q: Can you make dreams come true?
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You make my dreams come true.. NO IT IS NOT YOU MAKE MY DREAMS COME TRUE... the lyrics include 'bring it on home to my house'...

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Yes. With the necessary will power you can make your wildest dreams come true. I sincerely recommend watching "The Secret". You will know how to achieve your dreams and wishes.

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== == b: your dreams will come true if you want them to but you have to work hard at it. i want to be a singer so i am trying very hard to make my dreams come true i am 11 years old and have big dreams.

When was When Dreams Come True created?

When Dreams Come True was created on 1913-09-22.

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If Dreams Come True was created on 2007-05-15.

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God does fulfill your dreams. The thing is that you can't just sit and hope for your dreams to just come true, you have to work at making it come true and pray to him asking for his help requires Faith and Action to make you dreams come true. Although if it's not gods will to make that dream come true or if your not meant for that then he will show you what you're really meant for or what is supposed to happen. Im not saying that he will come down with 1,000 angels and tell you but he will show you spiritually

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Hip Hop Harry - 2006 Make Your Dreams Come True 2-4 was released on: USA: 2007