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It depends a lot on your own personal beliefs, really. There are people who follow both the major Christian beliefs (Jesus dying for people's sins and all his teachings, etc) and major points of pagan religions such as Wicca. However, chances are the church itself isn't going to take too kindly to being both. I wouldn't advise being very open about it. I don't know that the preachers would actually kick you out of the church, but they will harrass. A lot. One of the things I have learned is that most of the Major Religions want exclusive rights to your soul, those of us following Pagan Paths tend to be more pragmatic. I have never claimed to have all the answers, I don't even claim to have all the questions, so I tend to respect the beliefs of others without telling them they "have it wrong", I have found this attitude to be very common to most Pagans..

I tend to compare this to the concept of dual-citizenship... if you are born in the US you are a US citizen, if you move elsewhere and chose to become a citizen of that country then that country (generally) considers you a dual-citizen. The US however will always only consider you a US citizen. If in this comparison you replace the US with a Major Religion and the other country with any Pagan Path you will understand. We have no problems with you being a Cristo-Pagan, or a Judao-Pagan however the Major Religions will only consider you whatever they are... You might experience pressure from the Priest/Ministers/Whomever to renounce your Pagan beliefs as being "wrong" or "evil", but you will never have a Pagan try to convince you to give up your old beliefs.

None of us really knows what we will find when we cross the veil, and I for one will not deny god in any form... just in case. And just one more thought... Standing in a Christian church/ Pagan Circle does not make you Christian?Pagan, any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.

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15y ago

Yes, because you feel like it. Witch's are allowed anywhere they want to be. It's a free country. Witch's often times join Christian churches just to be communal. You cannot tell if she or he is a Witch, and they enjoy the company of others... why not join YOUR church?For those of you who feel uncomfortable with this scenario, you are close minded and sad.Just understand there are Witch's in every walk of life. The only reason you may not hear from us and our views is that we are not out to claim you unto our circles. We don't want to convert you. But the same is not often the other way around. And moreso, there are biggoted people who wish to bring harm and misery to those unlike themselves. Recently, there have been more and more Wiccans who have come "out of the broom closet", but there are so many types of earth believers and Wiccans are Witch, but Witch is not Wiccan. It is to say Baptists are Christians, but not all Christians are Baptists. And there are Wiccan places of worship but not every Witch feels delighted to hang out like that. Maybe they want to feel mundane and hang out with their xtian neighbours.It's a free country. Witch's can do what they will and they harm none by going to church with you. You have fun craft faires and bake sales and flower contests and fun stuff. So, why not?

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14y ago

Anyone can attend a Catholic mass. ONLY Catholics who are not in a state of mortal sin may receive the Eucharist.

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If you mean wiccans, google wiccan. Plenty of info .. if you mean wiccans, google it, plenty of info..

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