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well cursing isn't a good thing. as a christian you should be a good person to everybody no matter what they treat u like. In the bible u have to be the best person you can possibly be and cursing wouldn't be part of that. I suggest that people who swear should try to stop doing that as much as they one on this earth is without sin tho, we all sin...but its still not a good thing to do.

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Q: Can the the people who curse go to heaven?
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No. There is only one true God, and that is the Father in heaven. Those who will go to heaven on Judgment Day will be with Him forever. However, not everyone will go to heaven. Although God wants all people to be saved, He is also fair and just. Therefore, wicked people cannot go to heaven. Only God’s true servants will go to heaven.

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I am a Christian. In my belief Heaven is a beautiful place where there is peace and happiness and God is in Heaven. I doubt that the people who go to heaven will be unsatisfied.

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