Chronokinesis is like a gene in your body some people have photographic memory [which is the most common ability] or bend a spoon with there mind are born with the ability. Check all abilities to see if you have one or multiple I'm a chronokinetic and that which you most likely know means either speeding up ones mind and body or slowing ones perspective of time. Either one needs to be tuned to be used correctly. Other ability's you can gain which only use in a dire emergency time travel for some others can rip open wormholes or time holes [same has worm hole only brings you to other time line] if you have this ability use with extreme caution. DANGERS if you are a chronokinetic using your powers makes you age quicker if you pause time and to you your there for a hour your a hour older some people have a fail safe which makes it that you can only be there for so long without getting a headache.
You learn it by your self or with someone then you teach it.
you teach them or someone else teach them
Yes teach is an action verb if they saying teach that they teach someone
No, but someone can.
Lead by example. Teach someone good ethics by practicing them yourself.
No. You can tell someone something and not teach them a thing.
What terms I can do it.
have someone teach you
When playing teacher and you can't come up with something to teach just do what you did at school today!
No eduacate is to teach someone, educated is someone who has already learned, similar to teach and taught as far as difference between them
Lead by example. Teach someone good ethics by practicing them yourself.
Well i guess i could. Get someone to teach you and watch tutorials on youtube.