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yes their a a few different ways just will that your talking to Zeus like you would with any other prayer or if your more of an out loud person.

or if your more of an out loud person:

Prayer To Zeus.

Zeus, on Olympian hieght,

Shining in garments bright,

Casting thy eyes around,

Catching each note of sound,

Zeus! hear my prayer!

Not in an incense cloud,

Not in words long and loud,

No gold or silver by

Shining to catch thine eye,

Rises my prayer.

Hopeful and strong for strife,

Sing I my song of life,

No cringing worshiper,

Trembling, afraid to stir,

Pray I to Thee.

Pleasure of earthly power,

Joys of the passing hour,

Breadth and great depth of thought

With the heart's life blood bought,

All these I scorn.

Zeus! For the beautiful

Bend I my knee!

Zeus! For the truly good

Bow I to thee!

Oh! let those two clear rays

Shine on my youthful days,

Shine like the sun's bright glow,

Diminishing all lights below;

Zeus is my prayer. ___James A. Wickersham

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Q: Can people pray to Zeus
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Why did people pray to Zeus?

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Who did Zeus pray for?

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prayed to zeus

When did people pray to Zeus?

The Greek myths began around 900 BC, and reached their peak in Classical Greece from about 500 BC to 146 BC.

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Do judasim people pray?

yes they so pray they pray for everything that they can pray for

Where is plot of a clash of a titan?

zeus is mad because humans are disrespecting the gods so zeus sends hades to try to scare the humans into thinking they need the gods. also zeus sends hades because zeus is getting weak because people dont pray anymore.

Was Zeus prayed to a lot?

Yes, probably. A person could pray to whoever they wanted to depending on what they needed. Zeus was probably was prayed to alot also because he is the "top god"

Who do people pray with?

People pray with just about anybody. Many times people will pray in their place of worship with other worshipers. Also people pray at home with friends and family (think saying a prayer before a meal). And many times people pray by themselves.

Do Muslims believe that God hears our prayers?

Muslims pray. People do not pray unless they believe God hears. Praying is communication with God.Muslims pray. People do not pray unless they believe God hears. Praying is communication with God.Muslims pray. People do not pray unless they believe God hears. Praying is communication with God.Muslims pray. People do not pray unless they believe God hears. Praying is communication with God.Muslims pray. People do not pray unless they believe God hears. Praying is communication with God.Muslims pray. People do not pray unless they believe God hears. Praying is communication with God.

Why you pray?

People pray to have communication with God.