when you die the son of man judges you to either heaven or hell.
In America, it's about 80-90% for heaven and 70% for hell.
middle of hell aand heaven
The people always go to Heaven or Hell.
I think its like purgatory; between heaven and hell where people get judged
You go to heaven or hell.
They are for it.
What will happen if you do not reject God, you'll be put to death and after that you go to heaven. Heaven is where you never get to see the dark sky. Heaven's relaxing. One bad thing if you reject god, then you'll be put to Hades, that means hell. If you're in hell, you'll be burnt in hell. People treat you nice in heaven and people treat you bad in hell. In hell, you never get to see the sky. No sun. It will not shine.
To Heaven from Hell was created in 1997.
You can in heaven but not in hell
We are not power supplies to keep heaven to exist we were made to make the choice between heaven and hell it is what you do with your life that determines whether you will go to heaven or go to hell, and the biggest con that Satan has every done is make him self unaware to people that they donot believe him this has resulted in people going to hell.
No one knows for fact there is a heaven or hell. If there is such things, it is currently impossible to have knowledge of where certain people end up.