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i am not completely sure buy most likely, yes

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Q: Can humans really levitate
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How do humans levitate?

Humans appear to levitate through optical illusions.

How do humans really levitate?

Nobody can really levitate. Wheter there are optical illusions (playing with backgrounds, mirrors etc..) or editing on the PC. There are also some tricks like cutting the black trouser on front (when the audience is behind you) side to make a step up on a stair (with black stockings on to not be obvious).

How do you find out how to levatate?

There are two methods to levitate. The first is to attempt to REALLY levitate... generally you sit cross-legged and meditate and this causes you to levitate(supposedly). The second method is to create the illusion that you are levitating...

Could you really levitate with wearing black clothes?

no it is a illusion

Can you really levitate?

Yes ,you can,I levitate things all the time.I even levitated a spoon(and made it feed me) my friend, and myself!How to levitate things:stare at the object you wanna levitate.think of horrible things that happenned to YOU!look at it. it should be up in the air by now.This doesn't work at all.

What rhymes with levitate?

Some words that rhyme with "levitate" are "decorate," "meditate," and "elaborate."

How do you levitate the chest in Skulduggery Pleasant?

you have to levitate everything else first

How do you say levitate in Australian?

We in Australia speak English. "Levitate" is a reasonable translation.

Could you levitate?

yes i could levitate and make my lower half of my body dissapear

Can people levitate or fly?

People cannot levitate, but they can fly using airplanes and helicopters.

Can a frog levitate?


When was Levitate - The Fall album - created?

Levitate - The Fall album - was created on 1997-09-29.