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No you need to be a werewolf to have werewolf abilities. And, to be a werewolf, you need to be a fictional character like they are.

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Q: Can humans have werewolf abilities like the eyes?
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Do werewolf's eyes change?

When a Werewolf transforms from a man to a wolf, then his eyes become more wolf-like, yes.

Were is a werewolf?

Like humans,they are all over the earth,but there are only a mild amount of them around

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Like humans, it varies.

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There is no scientific evidence to suggest that full moons have any direct effect on human behavior. Some people believe in the idea of the "lunar effect," but it has not been supported by empirical research. Any perceived changes in behavior during a full moon are likely due to psychological or cultural factors.

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If humans did not have eyes, they would not be quite comfortable and could not eat well, communicate, or draw or anything else like that.

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they work just like human eyes and they could blink like humans

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Little beads they see just like humans

What is the length of a werewolf?

The length of a werewolf can vary depending on the mythology or story it comes from. In general, werewolves are typically depicted as being similar in size to humans, but with more muscular and wolf-like features.

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The tailless primates that are most like humans are bonobos and chimpanzees. They share a close genetic relationship with humans and exhibit complex social behaviors, tool use, and problem-solving abilities similar to humans.

What does a werewolf smell like?

A werewolf is often described as having a musky, animal-like scent, similar to wet fur or a wild predator. Some accounts also suggest they may emit a metallic or sulfur-like odor, particularly during their transformation from human to werewolf form.

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Because dogs see differently then humans. Might show up in pictures you take.