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no.ghosts are those of relatives who have died and came back i have experienced many ghost sighting the only spirit that can harm you is a poltergeist even the name raises my hairs you can not see these spirits but they will wreck your house.if you do not believe in these go on YouTube type in poltergeist activity some are fake but most are very real

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Q: Can a ghost harm you
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Isn't it good manners to tell a ghost he is dead?

no unless you made contact with the ghost and you no it wont harm you.

Can ghost harm you?

There is no such thing as Ghosts. no ghosts can not harm you but poltregeists can. they,re what throw crap around and at you.

What are types of ghost?

3 Actually Neutral- The ghost haunts but does not harm. Whining- The ghost wants or needs something and tries to communicate. Harmful-The Ghost is violent and is harming individuals

Are ghost harmful?

No, it depens on the ghost... There are living ghost that may harm you, but they are actually asking for help from using force. But when its a ghost from a person or family, they just cant let you go.

Can ghost kill you when your sleeping?

No, a ghost can not kill you when you are sleeping. There are reasons that people can die while asleep, but as a ghost is dead - it can not cause you physical harm/kill you.

How do you harm a ghost?

Since ghosts are considered intangible and immaterial beings, they cannot be physically harmed. Trying to harm a ghost might lead to negative consequences or interactions, as it is best to treat them with respect and attempt to understand their presence peacefully.

How can a ghost hurt you?

There is no scientific evidence to support the idea that ghosts can physically harm or hurt people. Ghost stories and folklore often involve tales of spirits causing harm, but these are typically rooted in fear and superstition rather than any verifiable reality.

Why did the 7Th calvary get scared of the ghost dance?

because the whte men didnt know about the ghost dance and thought it would harm them.

What types of ghosts are there?

3 Actually Neutral- The ghost haunts but does not harm. Whining- The ghost wants or needs something and tries to communicate. Harmful-The Ghost is violent and is harming individuals

What is the song on ghost whisperer first do no harm?

"New Day's Dawn" by The Wilshires

Why people hate ghost?

I think that people hate ghost just because they're not used to them. i really think thst if ghost really exsists, then they can't really do any harm.

Is ghost exist?

Why yes. They are real. They can not harm you so there is nothing to be worried about. They are unharmful creatures.