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yes a leo can love a scorpio

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Q: Can a Leo love a Scorpio?
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What would a Scorpio girl do after she breaks up with a Leo and she finds out he did not love her?

She has every right to be angry and devasted, but she should move on.

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well i think that boys that are born in october will like you or a Leo is a good love matchAccording to astrology Scorpio, Cancer or other Pisces

Where are the birth signs Leo and Scorpio hidden please?

Leo is July 23 - August 22 and Scorpio is October 24 - November 21, if that's what you mean.

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I am a Scorpio male and I love Leo women! I am in pursuit of a beautiful and smart Leo woman right now!:)

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You'll need to check the birth charts.

Do Scorpio and Libra get along?

Most famous Scorpio female and Leo male still married ... Bill and Hillary Clinton Scorpio Leo Relationships Both want to be in charge. Both know not to trust the other one, so they keep an eye on each other. However, they are also protective of each other, and have each others' backs. Both are risk takers: Scorpio manages the money, Leo networks and gets the connections. Leo is forever young and playful, Scorpio knows the value of setting limits. They admire and appreciate these traits in each other.

Who is Cancer's best lover?

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Are leo's and Scorpio's a good match?

They tend to have controlling personalities.

What is the zodiac sign for Scorpio?

The zodiac sign between Cancer and Virgo is Leo.

Will a Leo woman come back to a Scorpio after a breakup?

Leo women never come back due to her ego issues. But, Scorpio men is try to patch up and get sucess in the same.