The zodiac star sign for October 2 is Libra (September 24 - October 23).
If you were born on October the 2nd your Sun sign is Libra.
The zodiac sign for people born on October 2 is Libra.
Shakira was born on the 2nd of February 1977 which makes her star sign Aquarius :)
Born october 14 on a hot fall evening u wold be a libra
The star sign for December 2nd is Sagittarius.
If born on March 2nd, your zodiac sign is Pisces. Pisces individuals are known for their compassionate and empathetic nature, creativity, and intuition. They are often described as dreamers and are deeply in tune with their emotions.
Aries is the star sign.
Jeydon Wales is a Pisces, as he was born on February 2nd.
February 2nd the Sun is in the sign of Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 22).
Erastus Corning 2nd was born on October 7, 1909.
December 28th is under the sign of Capricorn.