That's an old wive's tale.
Pisces has the symbol of two fish, indicating its dual nature.
Pisces is winter.
If you mean is the star sign Pisces a fish, then yes.
I believe it is pisces because my Sister was born on March 20th 2001 and her Zodiac sign is Pisces... I am a pisces too uwu...
Considering that Libra and Pisces are star constellations that are incredibly distant from the Earth, I would consider the chances of them influencing your relationship here on Earth, to be pretty insiginificant.
The matches for a Pisces are any other water sign (Cancer, Scorpio, or another Pisces); or the opposite sign for a Pisces, Virgo
The complimentary opposite sign to Pisces is Virgo. Pisces has a harmonious relationship with Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricaorn and Aquarius. Pisces has a difficult relationship with Gemini and Sagittarius. Pisces has a turbulent relationship with Leo and Libra.
Pisces is the word fishes