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Bad with money.

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Q: Bad character of Pisces
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Is it bad luck for Pisces to marry Pisces?

That's an old wive's tale.

A character who is often the bad guy or bad character but who can be i?


What star sign is 17th March?


What Zodiac sign has the fish as its symbol?

Pisces has the symbol of two fish, indicating its dual nature.

What is Pisces season?

Pisces is winter.

Is shark Pisces?

If you mean is the star sign Pisces a fish, then yes.

Is March 20th, 2001 (07:15-07:17 AM) (Tucson, Arizona) Pisces or Aries?

I believe it is pisces because my Sister was born on March 20th 2001 and her Zodiac sign is Pisces... I am a pisces too uwu...

What make Pisces Parent Libra Child Relationship so bad?

Considering that Libra and Pisces are star constellations that are incredibly distant from the Earth, I would consider the chances of them influencing your relationship here on Earth, to be pretty insiginificant.

What is the match of Pisces?

The matches for a Pisces are any other water sign (Cancer, Scorpio, or another Pisces); or the opposite sign for a Pisces, Virgo

Which zodiac can be friends with Pisces?

The complimentary opposite sign to Pisces is Virgo. Pisces has a harmonious relationship with Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricaorn and Aquarius. Pisces has a difficult relationship with Gemini and Sagittarius. Pisces has a turbulent relationship with Leo and Libra.

It is ironic that in the Manga Deathnote The main character Light Yagami is a Pisces and the other character L is a Scorpio?

Pisces and Scorpio are not opposites in the zodiac, they are both water signs. Near's star sign, Virgo, on the other hand is the opposite sign to Light's, Pisces. Pisces are the most manipulative of all the signs and they are the "mirrors of other people". They act innocent but will go over the top and to any extent to fulfill their ideals. They are good at hiding their intentions and are ultimately masterminds as they contain traits from every single star sign in the zodiac that has preceded them, as they are the last sign in the zodiac. It is a common misconception that Pisces is the most sweet and loving sign in the zodiac, however this is incorrect, it is quite the opposite actually. Pisces are not to be trusted. L's sign Scorpio is actually meant to be very compatible with Light's sign, Pisces. Despite disliking each-other, they are quite similar as they are both very intellectual and deceiving. So all in all, quite ironic, but not too ironic. I'm not being biased, I'm a Pisces myself.

What is Pisces in Spanish?

'Pisces' in 'piscis' in Spanish.