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Q: Are you a Pisces or Aquarius if born on march 3?
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What is your sign if you were born on march 4?

Born on March 28th, one would be born under the sign of Aries.

What is your horoscope when you where born in March 3?


If your birthday is feb 3 what is your zodiac sign?

The star sign for January 3 is Capricorn ( December 22 - January 20).

What is Alexander Graham Bell's zodiac sign?

Born March 3, 1847, Alexander Graham Bell was born under the sign of Pisces.

What is the 11th sign of the Zodiac?

Aquarius is the eleventh zodiac sign. The numeric order of the zodiac signs, which are twelve, is given below: 1 - Aries 2- Taurus 3- Gemini 4- Cancer 5- Leo 6- Virgo 7- Libra 8- Scorpio 9- Sagittarius 10- Capricorn 11- Aquarius 12- Pisces

What is the lucky number for?

Someone is a Pisces if they are born between February 19 and March 20. Some lucky numbers for people who fall under the Pisces sign are 3, 5, 7, 11, 20, 29, 37, 47, and 57.

A marriage made inheaven when was born?

If a man is born as a Cancer, with Cancer rising and Cancer as his moon sign as well, and he marries a cuspal Aquarius/Pisces woman who has Virgo rising with Virgo as her moon sign, and they must be married precisely 3 years after meeting. That is a marriage made in Heaven.

What star sign is a march 19th birthday?

some years its a Pisces and others an Aries usually the change is around the 20th for all signs but there can be a 2-3 day leeway If born Pisces the person would also have Scorpio qualities because of the date is between 10th and 20 of march-there are 3 types of Pisces depending on which 10 day period of birth If Aries then it would be 1st type with no other influence Consult an ephemeris for time changes

What zodiac sign best to agree with Pisces persons?

Hmmm... I would say either Libra, Aquarius, or Cancer. Even Taurus or Gemini potentially, but I would go with those 3.

Can a Virgo and Aquarius get along?

Virgo & Aquarius tend to have turbulent relationships. Leo- Virgo cusp (Aug 19 - 25) are good in love relationships with Aquarius born Jan 23 - 30; marriages with those born Feb 8 - 15; and work well with Aquarius-Pisces cusp (Feb 16-22). Virgos born Aug 26 - Sept 2 have good friendships with Aquarius born Jan 31-Feb 7; and work well with Aquarius born Jan 23-30. Virgos born Sept 3-10 are good in marriages with Aquarius born Jan 31-Feb 15; have excellent friendships with Aquarius born Jan 31-Feb 7. Virgos born Sept 11-18 are good in love with Aquarius-Pisces cusp (Feb 16-22); in marriages with Aquarius born Jan 23-30 or Feb 8-15; have good family relationships with Aquarius Jan 31-Feb 7, & Capricorn-Aquarius cusp (Jan 17-22). Virgo-Libra cusp (Sept 19-24) are good in marriages with Aquarius born Feb 8-22; friendships with Capricorn-Aquarius cusp ((Jan 17-22) a & Jan 31-Feb 7;and work well with Aquarius born Jan 23-30.

Was George Harrison's zodiac?

George Harrison was born February 25, so he is a pisces! I <3 George Harrison!

What are the star signs of the 12 astronauts that have landed on the moon Three of them share the same star sign It is?

The 12 astronauts and their star signs, of which 3 are Pisces, are: Neil Armstrong. - Leo Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin. - Aquarius Charles Conrad. - Gemini Alan Bean. - Pisces Alan Shepard. - Scorpio Edgar Mitchell. - Virgo David Scott. - Gemini James Irwin. - Pisces John Young. - Libra Charles Duke. - Libra Eugene Cernan. - Pisces Harrison Schmidt. - Cancer