there is one i have heard of called ask jud at
#Interior design
There are so many sites similar to wiki answers that provide answers to all our queries.AnswerbagWeb answersYahoo answersask villeaskQuoraLinkedIn answers
The simple way - is to cross-reference any answers on here with alternative web-sites. That way you can confirm any answer is true, or correct any wrong answers.
Yes it is.Thank You for asking
Yes, there are. Check for mobile versions of sites like Yahoo Answers, Quora, and others.
its not possible for a website to be haunted! I explained this for the question 'is it possible for a website to be haunted?'
Probably any type of reliable dictionary.
You can do a search on Google for these sites as posting sites in the answers on this site is forbidden.
As this depends on opinion, I can't give you any specific answers. Try looking up "Fun Online Worlds" and maybe you might find what your looking for.
The sites are;; download)