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mythical creatures

Yes, there are tons. Dragons, merfolk, unicorns, trolls, ghouls, dwarfs, gnomes, fairies, chimeras, minotaurs, and on and on for a long ways.

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Q: Are there any other mythical creatures other than vampires and lycans?
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What do they celebrate in Australia instead of Halloween?

The reason people put pumpkins out on Halloween started a long time ago. People believed vampires and mythical creatures were real and were going to "haunt" them. Myths say that vampires and mythical creatures such as werewolves hated the smell of pumpkin and got scared of the jack-o-latterns on them, so people put pumpkins out on Haloween to keep away the vampires and other mythical creatures.

Have vampires ever attacked Austria?

There have been no documented cases of vampires attacking Austria or any other country. Vampires are mythical beings from folklore and fiction, not real creatures. They are not known to exist in reality.

Which mythical creatures hate fairies and therefore would murder them if they had the chance PS i am not saying that i hate fairies its for my book that I'm writing.?

Lycans and Werewolves tend to be the main ones. They hate most of the other creatures due to their genes. Vampires and Faeries have similar looks in real life so they get along. I'm pretty sure there are Vampire Faeries. Angels and Faeries get along in purity. It's basically those mutants that can't stand the wispy creatures.

Are Mythical Creatures real - even if they're in other galaxies and other worlds - and even though their called MYTHical creatures?

i guess

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There are a lot of different mythical creatures, nymphs can be regarded as on of the popular mythical sea creature. Other popular creatures include mermaids and giants.

Why were vampires made into a mythical creature?

Actually, Vampires are not fully mythical. Vampires actually come from people who did in fact drink the blood of other people but, the mythical ones turn into bats and can fly and grow fangs etc.

Are cryptids mythical creatures?

Yes, cryptids are mythical creatures or real creatures that mythical creatures might have originated from. Several known animals were once considered mythical, such as the giant squid and the platypus. Other cryptids are based on supernatural beliefs and likely do not exist at all.

Can you name other creatures with fangs?


Do little kids still believe in vampires?

Some children might believe in vampires due to exposure to media like books or movies. However, belief in vampires is not as common as belief in other mythical creatures like Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy. Cultural beliefs and family influences play a significant role in shaping children's beliefs in vampires.

How can you tell if your husband is a vampire?

You can't, because there is no such thing as vampires. They are mythical creatures, and if your husband is a mythical creature, your marriage may indeed have problems. On the other hand, some people enjoy fantasy and role-playing games, so perhaps he might act out the role of a vampire in a game.

Are there any mythical creatures in England like there are in other countries?

All cultures have mythical creatures! Here are some common mythical creatures from England and other parts of the UK:Mermaids were believed to live in the waters off many coastal towns.Silkies were mythical people who could turn into seals.Banshees were ghosts which announced the death of a family member.Ghosts - almost every old building in England is said to be haunted.Leprechauns were little magical people.Even the English flag has mythical creatures - St. George, the knight who slew the great dragon!

What pets do vampires have?

Vampires are typically depicted as having bats as pets due to the association with night, darkness, and eerie creatures. Some vampires may also have wolves or other creatures associated with the supernatural as pets.