Damballah, the archetypally wise spirit, the patriarchal serpent divinity, associated with rain, peace, wisdom, wealth, life, fertility and purity is one of the most revered loa of the African gods. And the most important among the others Loa and highly respected. Damballah is considered to be the Loa of creation. He is the father of all the rest of the Loa in the Haitian Voodoo.
Voodoo is not attributed to any particular founder.
Voodoo is not credited to any particular founder.
On any online Voodoo website.
Yes, many
Buddhism originated in Nepal. Voodoo originated in Benin. Buddhism was founded by Gautama Buddha. Voodoo does not have any known founder. Buddhism is a Dharmic religion. Voodoo is an animistic religion.
Practitioners of Voodoo can have any sort of name. That would be like asking 'what is a Christian person's name?' The range is too broad to answer.
Yes, Africa is actually the birth place of voodoo. many tribes do it, the number and the tribes I don't know but I do know many practice it. Voodoo has been used since the ancient egyptians. It was said queen Cleopatra did it when she was in reign.
Personalized Voodoo Dolls are sometimes used in conjures in the Voodoo and Vodun religions.
Citroen Goddess
The Finnish word voodoo means voodoo in English.