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Werewolves do not exist. The chance of there being a werewolf today is zero. Werewolves are a biological impossibility, and would require all the cells in the body to rapidly change the DNA structure and everything about the DNA, and it is also impossible to grow hair within the matter of minutes the amount a werewolf has. The DNA would have to have some sort of super-mutation in order to change it's own chemical and biological structure to fit the description of a werewolf. They do not exist.

I have heard of the werewolf condition being suppressed (See the movie 'Wolf' starring Jack Nicolson). It involves an amulet. I have also heard of people being bitten by a werewolf and not becoming one. Either the 'infection' (or what-ever it is) didn't take or was overcome by the bodies immune system.

If we dare to use the analogy of an infection then there are the rare cases (in all infections) where a person is an unaffected carrier. Having no symptoms himself but capable of infecting other people. I have never heard of this in connection with a werewolf - am only suggesting the possibility by analogy.

We do not 'infect' people 'cause this isn't a desire so the only way to become a lycan like me is to be born one. Possibly.

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Q: Are there Werewolves that aren't able to transform?
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What are werewolves know for?

Being able to transform into wolves when its a full moon.

What kind of werewolves can transform on command?

Only full werewolves or shapeshifters can transform on command. Half werewolves can not - they only shift at the full moon.

Are human as werewolves real?

Human beings cannot transform themselves into wolves or anything physically resembling wolves. Werewolves are mythical creatures.

Can werewolves be in sunlight?

yes, and so can the vampires in the twilight saga. the werewolves in the twilight saga arent actually werewolves as well, they are just shape-shifters that happen to take the form of the wolf because of their ancestors.

How do you be part human part cat on every full moon?

You cannot do this. Humans are not able to transform into another species. Shape-shifters, werewolves and skin-walkers are all make-believe.

How do you know you have lycanthropy?

Lycanthropy is a mythical condition where a person believes they transform into a wolf or werewolf. Symptoms can include delusions of being able to transform into a wolf, heightened aggression, physical changes, and an unusual fascination with wolves or werewolves. However, lycanthropy is not a real medical or psychiatric condition.

Will there be werewolves in Skyrim?

Yes, there are werewolves in Skyrim, and the player is able to become one.

What is the myth about how werewolves work?

The myth says that anyone who is bitten by a werewolf has no choice to become a werewolf. They transform to a werewolf at night on a full moon. They also die from nothing else but a silver bullet. Wolfsbane is a plant that a werewolves weakness and is like a poison to werewolves.

What are the children of the moon in twilight?

In the Twilight series, the Children of the Moon are a group of werewolves who transform into wolves whenever they want, unlike the Quileute shape-shifters that are bound by phases of the moon. They are descendants of the original werewolves but differ in their ability to change at will.

Does the wolves on twilight have any powers?

Yes, in the Twilight series, the wolves possess the ability to transform into werewolves at will. In their werewolf form, they have increased speed, strength, and heightened senses. They are also able to communicate telepathically with each other.

Who turn into a werewolf when there is a full moon?

In folklore and mythology, it is believed that certain individuals have the ability to transform into werewolves when there is a full moon. This transformation is typically involuntary. Werewolves are often portrayed as humans who are cursed or bitten by another werewolf.

Are werewolves inmortal?

Yes, werewolves are supernatural creatures. They are legendary creatures that have abilities that aren't possible on Earth. They can transform, they have night vision, supernatural strength, etc.