Mona Barrie's birth name is Smith, Mona.
Mona Levin's birth name is Mona Dorit Levin.
Mona Seilitz's birth name is Mona-Liz Alexandersson.
Mona Sahlin's birth name is Mona Ingeborg Andersson.
Thomas Mona's birth name is Thomas Mayfield Mona.
Yes, Mona is a cool name.
Mona Zaki's birth name is Mona Ali Mohamed Zaki.
Ebba Mona's birth name is Ebba Mona Bull Hegh.
If I understand your question, mona is a name. There is no translation for the name mona. It would just remain the same name.
Aca Mona
Mona Maris's birth name is Rosa Emma Mona Mara Marta Capdevielle.
Mona got out by the great name of Mona Lisa and or Madonna which i thong died.