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"ghosts" are definitely real, but they aren't what most people think they are. The Bible tells us that the dead know nothing...that when we die, we go into a sleep like state and have no contact with the living world. This means that the "ghosts" we are seeing have to be something other than our dead friends and family coming back to visit. So when you think about it, what else could there possibly be? the answer is demons. be VERY careful if you ever have an unexplained experience because you are definitely dealing with evil. Even the Devil can quote scripture, and he will use it to try to make you believe something other than what God would have you believe.

I kind agree with you, but in the bible ghosts are called spirits/angelszperiodz <<<YOU P are< they think people what aren't but real are ?ghosts? said I why That's correct.>

The wages of sin is death. But God, who alone is immortal, will grant eternal life to His redeemed. Until that day death is an unconscious state for all people. When Christ, who is our life, appears, the resurrected righteous and the living righteous will be glorified and caught up to meet their Lord. The second resurrection, the resurrection of the unrighteous, will take place a thousand years later. i agree the bible did say that and demons are diffrent than ghost spirits and angels demons have to be bad because satin sent them and ghost can be bad or good and a spirit is a nether word for ghost and angels are watch over us like god

okey, I've been dunked in the deep end of a pool by something. it wasn't my brother,sister,or friends. i know because at the time i ws looking under the water from the top of the water. do you think that could be a demon? that's what everyone thought when they heard my story. is that what you think?

by the way, i thinnk your SO right about ghost not being able to come back to earth.

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Q: Are ghost's really real
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the person who investigates ghosts is ghosts hunters.!

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No, there are no real ghosts like in "Harry Potter." But hey, I could be wrong... I have never seen one!!!

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TO me yes i think spirits and ghosts are real. And i also believe if you have no trust or belief in ghosts then sometimes you wil get haunted. That is my belief and really i have seen a ghost walk out my grandma's door!!!! Not true hahaha joke

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