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The twelve signs of the zodiac are the ram, the bull, the twins, the crab, the lion, the virgin, the scales, the scorpion, the archer, the sea goat, the water bearer, and the fish. Each sign has its own story in mythology. The ram saves Phrixus in the myth of the golden fleece. Zeus, in the form of a white bull, carried Europa, who bore Minos, the wife of whom gave birth to the Minotaur. The twins are Castor and Pollux. The crab was a giant beast sent by Hera to fight Herakles. The lion was the Nemean Lion from Herakles' labors. The virgin could be any number of the virgin goddesses. The scales were meant to maintain balance. The Scorpio became a constellation because Hera was proud of it killing Orion. The archer was a centaur (a half-man, half-horse, mythical creature). The goat is Pan, the satyr (a half-goat, half-man, creature). The water bearer is Ganymedes, and the fish are Eros and Aphrodite, who were turned into fish to escape Typhon.

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Q: Are any Western Astrology signs mythical creatures?
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How does Chinese astrology relate to wester astrology?

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What signs of the zodiac are water signs?

In Western astrology, the water signs are Cancer, Pisces, and Scorpio. These signs relate to the creatures of crab, fish and scorpion, and are emotional signs.

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How many signs of zodiac are not represented by a living creature?

In the Western Zodiac Libra - the scales Capricorn - a mythical water goat (a goat head & fore-body with a Fish tale) Sagittarius - a mythical centaur (the body of a horse with the upper body of a man where the horses head should be) In the Chinese Zodiac The Dragon - a mythical creature. In the Amerind Earth Magic Zodiac All signs are represented by living creatures.

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There are no new zodiac signs for April. The zodiac signs remain the same throughout the year according to the traditional Western astrology system.

What is the difference between Indian astrology and other astrology?

Vedic (Indian) Astrology and western (Other) Astrology are two Astrological Systems with some similarities and some Difference. Indian and Western Astrology Based on the time and Space and have the Same 12 Zodiac Signs. The principles of Indian astrology are based on lunar and planetary movements, while the other (Western) astrology only considers the date of birth to predict various events in a person's life. Here is a detailed explanation of how ancient Indian astrology differs from the (other) Western world of astrology. Astrology is an unparalleled asset for evaluating the potential possibilities of our lives. Western (other) astrology is relatively new compared to Vedic (Indian) astrology, the latter having been practiced for thousands of years. "Vedic astrology is based on the sidereal zodiacal system and is calculated and observed in relation to [the] constellations in the sky." On the other hand, "Western astrology" is related to the fixed system of the tropical zodiac and is mainly based on the course of the sun. It also depends on the four seasons that represent the course of the sun, the equinoxes, the solstices, and the tilt of the earth's solstices around its axis. In other words, the big difference between the two is that Western astrology focuses on the immediate solar system, while Vedic astrology also considers the other aspects of the galaxy. Another point of view: Western (Other) astrology is more associated with the Sun, while Vedic (Indian) astrology is more associated with the Moon. Another Difference Between the two Systems is That Western Astrology is More Psychologically Oriented, While Vedic Astrology Focuses more on Karma, Dharma, and a Individual’s Unique Life Path.

What category do the zodiac signs belong to?

The zodiac signs belong to the category of astrology. Astrology is the study of the movements and positions of celestial bodies to make predictions and interpretations about human affairs and natural phenomena. The zodiac signs are used in astrology to represent different personality traits and characteristics of individuals based on their birthdate.

In Chinese astrology which other signs does the ox not interact well with?

In Chinese Astrology the two main signs that the Ox does not interact well with are the Tiger and the Dragon.

How many Christians believe in the signs of the stars or heaven or astrology?

True Christians do not believe in Astrology. .

Is star signs science?

No. Star signs are part of astrology, which is classified as pseudoscience.

What is the Third sign of zodiac?

In the western belief of Astrology, Gemini would be the third of the Zodiac signs (with Aries starting as the first).

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when all the rest of the astrology signs were...