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No. An immigrant is an alien who is here legally and has announced their intention to pursue legal citizenship.

Aliens are visitors from other countries who have entered and remain legally.

Illegal Aliens are persons from other countries who are not legally in the country.

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Q: Are aliens and immigrants the same thing?
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Who call immigrants illegal aliens?

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They are resident aliens.

Immigrants are these until they become naturalized citizens?

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Before becoming naturalized citizens immigrants are?

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1.Illegal immigrants cannot aliens cannot

What are immigrants who are not yet citizens called?

illegal aliens follow me on twitter @broskisean shout me out :)

Are there really aliens and are you aliens to the aliens?

i think there are and they might be your own friends or some thing.

What group of people did Benjamin Franklin refer to as aliens?

German immigrants.

Are aliens real in a paragraph?

in all my recherche i am positive that aliens are real there are Egypt drawlings saying that there are aliens and they say that they have met the aliens and have made Peace with them and if you do not believe me then go to any alien web sites and they will show you and tell you the same thing i am telling you now

Is there such thin as aliens?

Alien means a person or thing from somewhere else. We have no accepted proof of aliens from other planets. However, people that were born in one country, but are living in another ARE aliens. Same word, different usage.

Who were the first illegal aliens in the US?

The names of the first illegal aliens in the United States are not known. There are millions of illegal immigrants that are in the US, as of 2014.

What is another word for illegal aliens?

Undocumented immigrants or unauthorized immigrants.