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Highly unlikely.

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Q: Are Bigfoot videos real
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Related questions

How many real Sasquatch videos are there?

Are there some brief footage of bigfoot that are too short tell is it is hoax or real. The best bigfoot footage was done in 1967 by Patterson and Gimlin.

Who is bigfoot realted to?

Well Bigfoot is really related to us humans and apes/gorilla's. Big foot is not necessarily real as there is no evidence on if they are or not. However Bigfoot/Sasquatch/yeti (it is mostly described as Bigfoot) has been seen so much that many believe that they are real! If you want to see the 911 calls on sitings of big foot or the real videos of them just go on to you tube. P.S Not all of them are real!

Why is bigfoot a mystery?

because novody knows if heis real.Go on YouTube and watch bigfoot videos.

How many Bigfoot videos are there in the US?

There are thousands of sightings and hundreds of videos

Who was captured by Bigfoot?

Bigfoot is not real!

Are bigfoot sightings real or hoax?

Bigfoot is hoax.

Is the Patterson photo real of bigfoot?

Yes. There is a lot of examining of this footage. On monsterquest there was evidence pointing to: bigfoot's real.

Can bigfoot fly?

No bigfoot cant fly as there is no proof he is even real !

Bigfoot and yeti ect are real?

they are real

What are Bigfoot Enemies?

There is no definitive evidence that Bigfoot exists. It certainly cannot be known what its enemies are.

Should you believe in bigfoot?

In my opinion, I don't agree you should believe in Bigfoot because even though researchers says Bigfoot is real, there was not actual PROOF that he is real. I may be wrong, but I disagree that you should believe in Bigfoot.

Is finding bigfoot a fake show?

No, they are real professionals who devote their lives to the search for bigfoot.