NO. cancer woman loves Pisces man...but if Virgo man has say moon in cancer or venus then cancerian woman will be drawn to him .
As an aquarian, I must say... I don't know. We aquarians like to think we are in control, but are really rather pea brained compared to some. We do best with a significant other who is organized, giving, considerate, responsible, and patient.
Tuarus. Cancer is water Taurus OS earth water makes grass grow. But Pisces is close but not the best
An Aquarian woman is well matched with another Aquarian man also Librian & Gemini
Yes, you can get cancer from swallowing a man's sperm if they have Leukemia.
Honestly, it doesn't matter. If you love this guy, just go for it! Don't worry about starsigns. Do you think that if you were a cancer and your mother were a Capricorn and a magazine told her that you weren't a good match she'd disown you? Of course not! She loves you!
No, they're not.
Aquarius - Cancer relationships tend to be turbulent.
Generally speaking, a Cancer - Leo relationship will be harmonious.
Cancer is a very stubborn and often serious or moody sign. A Cancer Male shows these traits even more obviously than a Cancer Female, unfortunately. My father is a cancer and he is the most difficult, moody, stubborn man I have ever come across. As an Aquarian, I have never got along with him. Good luck with whatever your question concerns. =]
Aesop Aquarian is 6'.
Yes maybe.....