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Q: A system of signs that represent ideas is a?
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What are the zodiac signs and what animal do they represent?

The zodiac signs are based on the soler system and the animals are the constalations and the names are the names of the constalations

What is pre-Mechanical in computer history?

Writing and alphabetsPetroglyths- signs or simple figures curved in rockideograph- symbols to represent ideas or concept

Chinese writing uses?

Characters that represent words or ideas Characters that represent words or ideas Characters that represent words or ideas

What type of characters represent whole words in the Japanese writing system?

Kanji characters. Kanji characters are logographic characters that represent whole words or ideas in the Japanese writing system.

Where can I find ideas for cheap yard signs online?

You can find great ideas for cheap yard signs here: Here is a list of personlized ideas, including that of politcal ideas and personal yard signs.

What are characters based on abstract ideas known as?

it is a type of symbolic system used to represent elements or statements expressible in language.

What do the signs mean in DragonVale?

The signs are purely decorative, and they represent the various elements.

What did pictographs and cuneiform represent?

Pictographs were stylized symbols representing objects or ideas in early writing systems. Cuneiform was a system of writing that used wedge-shaped symbols to represent sounds, syllables, and words in ancient Mesopotamia. Both were used to communicate ideas and record information.

Which letters represent signs of the horoscope or tarot?

Signs of the Zodiac and Tarot have their own symbolism.

What symbols represent the signs of the zodiac?

The symbols representing the signs can be found at the site below.

What are some signs that represent Holland?

what represents the Netherlands

Does china have the most symbols of any writing system?

No, in fact, China does not use any alphabet. Chinese uses a system of thousands of symbols that represent ideas. (alphabets contain letters that only represent sounds).