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The chimera of Greek mythology, cited by Homer, was part serpent, lion, and goat, and breathed fire.

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Q: A fire breathing beast that was part lion part serpent and part goat?
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What was the fire breathing beast that was part lion part serpent and part goat?

The creature you are referring to is the Chimera from Greek mythology. It had the head of a lion, body of a goat, and tail of a serpent. It was known for its ability to breathe fire.

Where are chimeras found?

It was a creature of Lycia in Asia Minor according to Greek mythology, composed of a lion, a serpent and a goat and was fire breathing

What are the names of the three heads of the Chimera?

From the Greek meaning "she-goat" the Chimera is a fire-breathing creature that has the body of a goat, the head of a lion and the tail of a serpent. Some sources have represented the Chimera with three heads (the lion's head as the main, then the goat's head sprouted from its back, and the serpent's or Dragon

In greek mythology Who is the fire-breathing beast with a lions head?

The Chimera which has a lion's head, a goat's body, and a dragon's tail. In some versions it has multiple heads but in all versions it could breathe fire. It is usually depicted as a female.

What do chimeras look like in mythology?

According to Greek mythology, a Chimera is a fire breathing female creature made up of three types of animals that is a lion, a goat and a serpent. It has the figure of a lion head, behind it grows the goats' head while the tail of the creature is the serpent snake.

What was the purpose of the chimera?

Chimera was a daughter of Typhaon and Echidna.

What is Chimera famous for?

In Greek mythology, a chimera is a creature with the body of a lion, the head of a goat, and the tail of a serpent. It is known for being a fearsome and monstrous beast that breathes fire. The term "chimera" is also used in genetics to describe an organism with cells that contain two different sets of DNA.

Want to go on a date?

sure pick me up at seven you fire breathing hobo! lets shave a goat!

In mythology what is a chimera?

A monstrous fire-breathing creature, composed of the parts of multiple animals: a lioness, a snake and a goat.

What special powers did chimeras had?

Chimera is a fire breathing monster, that is combining a goat,snake,and a lion,and it is related to the Cerberus and the Hydra

Are you a chimera?

I am not a chimera, but I wish I was. The Legendary beast the Chimera had head of a lion, the body of a goat and the tail of a snake. The coolest aspect is I could breath fire.

Out of these magnificent animals which ones have a horse's bodyThe sphinxThe chimera The unicorn The hippogriff?

The unicorn and the hippogriff are the ones that have horse like bodies. A chimera is a fire-breathing she-monster usually represented as a composite of a lion, goat, and serpent. The sphinx has lion like-body. Unicorns practically are horses with horns. As are hippogriff's only, they have wings.