12 minutes
20 minutes
3 horus, 20 minutes.
19 hours and 15 minutes if you go l-81 N / 1971.21 Kilometers 19 hours and 51 minutes if you go l-40 E / 2014.14 Kilometers 20 hours and 4 minutes if you go l-64 E / 2026.66 Kilometers
At 30 mph it takes 40 minutes to drive 20 miles.
Approximately 20 minutes.
That depends on how fast you're driving. On a freeway, it will take about 15 to 20 minutes.
The answer depends on 20 WHAT!
I assume you mean 20 miles, while going 12 MPH? It will take you 1 hour and 40 minutes.
About 100 km., a 1 hour 20 min. drive.
20 minutes at 60 mph
20 hours and 6 minutes