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Because it is hot and fresh.

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Q: Why you can smell bacon from several meters away?
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Why you get the smell of drainage several meters away?

because of particle diffusion in the air

Why do you get the smell of a hamburger even when you are far away?

because when you are cooking the smell of the bacon and the patties give this smell

Why is it that you can smell perfume several meters away give reason?

Perfume evaporates, the perfume molecules diffuse through the air and reach your nose, enabling you to smell them.

How does the smell of fish when it's being cooked get from the fish to your nose even when you are several meters away?

Because the paricles in the fish gain energy and move awa from the fish, then they diffuse towards our nose and you smell it. Thats how the smell of fish,when itts being cooked, gets from the fish to your nose when you are several metres away from it.

What do we call the process of smelling perfume several metres away?

The process of smelling perfume several meters away is called olfaction. Olfaction is the sense of smell, which allows us to detect and perceive scents in our environment.

How far away can you smell a flower?

The distance at which you can smell a flower depends on factors like wind direction, humidity, and the concentration of the flower's scent molecules in the air. On average, you may be able to detect the scent of a flower from a few feet away to several meters.

Why perfume can be smelt from a few meters away?

This happens because when the perfume is sprayed the gas is diffuese into the air

How strong is a bear's nose?

a bear nose is very strong it can smell from 200 meters away

Why you can smell the jasmine flower while you are sitting several meters away?

Jasmine flowers release volatile organic compounds into the air, which travel through the air and reach your nose, allowing you to smell the fragrance even when you are several meters away from the flower.

How far away can a tiger smell its prey?

Tigers have a strong sense of smell and can detect prey from up to 2-3 miles away, depending on the environmental conditions. They use their sense of smell to locate prey, communicate with other tigers, and mark their territory.

What is the Climax for Ruby Holler?

The twins run away again and wake up to the smell of bacon. It ends with Dallas saying "Florida do you smell that?" or something very similar to that.

Are a bear's nose or eyes better?

Their sense of smell is much stronger than their vision is. They can actually smell things from several miles away.