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Q: Which country include anti meridian and post meridian?
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What is mening of Am And PM?

Anti meridian and post meridian :)

What is does am stand for?

It stands for anti meridian and pm would be post meridian

What is expansion of am?

While using am and pm in time representation, it denotes.. am ==> Anti Meridian pm ==> Post Meridian

What is ante - meridian?

An Anti-Meridian is a meridian opposite any given meridian of longitude.Specifically the Anti-Meridian is the 180th meridian. That is the meridian opposite of the Prime Meridian.The term Anti-Meridian is sometimes confused with Ante Meridiem.Ante Meridiem is latin for before noon. Usually shown in English as "a.m.". Similarly, post meridiem, after noon, is shown in English as "p.m.".

What is does pms stand for?

PM stands for post meridian. AM stands for anti meridian. They are Latin words. PM can also stand for Prime Minister, an important position in Parliamentary Democracies.

Which language does the word post meridian come from?

The term "post meridian" comes from Latin. "Post" means "after," and "meridian" refers to midday or noon. Together, "post meridian" signifies "after noon" or "after the middle of the day."

Why are ante meridian and post meridian known by this name?

Ante meansbefore and post means behind.Meridian is from the Latin for Midday.Ante Meridian = am (before midday)Post Meridian = pm (after midday)

What does a.m and p.m mean?

The initials a.m. stand for ante meridian, Latin for "before noon." The initials p.m. stand for post meridian, Latin for "after noon."

What do mean am and pm?

what do am and pm mean? well am means it is morning pm means its afternoon and night AM Means : ANTI MERIDIAN PM Means : POST MERIDIAN

What is mean of am and pm?

Ante Meridian and Post Meridian

What mean of time am and pm?

"AM" stands for "ante meridiem" which means before noon, and "PM" stands for "post meridiem" meaning after noon. These terms are used to differentiate between times in the morning and afternoon on a 12-hour clock.

What is abbreivation for am and pm?

Ante-meridian and post meridian