165 inches is 13 feet and 9 inches.
165 millimeters = 6.496 inches
165 inches = 13.75 feet (13 feet 9 inches)
165 millimeters = 6.5 inches
165 millimeters is 6.5 inches.
165 centimeters = 64.961 inches (rounded)
There are 12 inches in one foot. Therefore, 165 inches is equal to 165/12 = 13.75 feet or 13 feet 9 inches.
13 ft and 9 inches
165 cm is approximately 5 feet 5 inches tall.
165 cm = 5 feet 4.961 inches
Where is 0.71 inches on the ruler
165 centimeters is 5 feet and 4.96 inches.