

Best Answer
  • The statue of liberty is at Mt. Everest (1953 AD)
  • The notebook is at the Statue of Liberty's construction site (1882 AD)
  • The piece of the sun stone is in the top of the chimney at Thomas Edison's(1853)
  • The stone bowl is at the top of the broken tree at the Clark Expedition(1805)
  • The salt rocks are at the top of the chimney at Thomas Jefferson's house (1776)
  • To get the amulet you must beat the man at the Great Wall at a game(1593)
  • The goggles are on the guard at the Aztec empire (1519)
  • The peace medal is under the wooden platform near Leo's workshop (1517)
  • The declaration of independence is in the Timbuckto Inn (1387)
  • The golden vase is in the cave above the Vikings (831)
  • The phonograph is on top of the treasury building (328 BC)
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Q: Where are the locations of the items on Time Tangled?
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What is Time tangled island?

Time Tangled Island is one of the locations on the website Poptropica. (see related link) To complete the island, find all of the items scattered throughout time and return them to their proper owners. (see related question)

How do you pass the race in time tangled in poptropica?

get all the items

Where is all the stuff on time tangled island?

There are no more secret items on time tangled island, but if you are talking about winning the whole island, go onto youtube and type 'poptopica time tangled island.'

How do you save time tangled?

By finding the items lost in time and giving them back to their owners.

What do you do after you have the amulet in time tangled?

give it to the vikings and get the other items and for more info, type in 'How do you beat time tangled island?' in the question box.

How do you get the cool sunglasses on time tangled island?

You can buy sunglasses from many retail locations.

How do you get the rifle on time tangled island?

The firearms at 1805 AD are not used in the quest and are not costumizer items.

How do you cut a tree on time tangled island?

You can't do that. All the required items are able to be grabbed.

Where are the items for all of the places in time tangled?

I know how but that would be cheating and that levels realy easy

What does the oracle say on time tangled island?

The oracle relates the items, locations, and times for some missing objects. This is generally the same information you would get by talking to characters or walking through the various times. They are only hints, not solutions.

What happens if you lose one of your items in time tangled island?

generally you don't, but there was an error and i can't get the phonograph

What do you do with the Mission Printout on Time Tangled Island?

The Mission Printout is selected as the first item in the Lab on Time Tangled Island. It does not provide any real information, only tells you that items are out of place in time and you have to go to the future to find out more.