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They are equal at - 40, so this would only happen someplace very cold, such as the Arctic circle and Antarctica.

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Q: What place in the world can have their Fahrenheit and Celsius equal?
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What place in the world can heave their temperature Fahrenheit and Celsius equal?

F and C are equal at -40. So.. the Arctic and Antarctic? Probably parts of Alaska

What place in the world can have their temperatures Fahrenheit and Celsius equal?

Very, very cold places. The two scales give the same numerical reading at -40 degrees.

Is Fahrenheit or Celsius better?

It depends Celsius is used in most part of the world and Fahrenheit is only used in USA.

What is better Fahrenheit or Celsius?

It depends Celsius is used in most part of the world and Fahrenheit is only used in USA.

What is 40 Celsius?

40 degrees Celsius is a measure of temperature on the Celsius scale commonly used in many parts of the world. It is considered a warm temperature and is equivalent to 104 degrees Fahrenheit.

What is the scale for on a thermometer?

The C is Celsius and the F is Fahrenheit. On a Celsius scale water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius and boils at 100 degrees Celsius. On a Fahrenheit scale water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit and boils at 212 degrees Fahrenheit because Celsius is used world wide and Fahrenheit is used only in the U.S.

Do china use Celsius or Fahrenheit?

Celsius. Virtually everyone in the world except for the USA does.

What is used in Australia Celsius or Fahrenheit?

celcius, only America and 2 3rd world countries use Fahrenheit

Do France use Celsius or Fahrenheit?

The rest of the world besides US uses Celsius, so yes.

Why do you convert Fahrenheit to Celsius?

Because Celsius is metric, and everybody in the world uses it. But then we in America made our own thing ( Fahrenheit ) and it's too late to go back.

How do you set The interor mirror from celsius to Fahrenheit on a 2003 Buick lesabre?

You could try learning celsius like the rest of the world. ;-)

What does thermometers?

They measure temperature. In America, Fahrenheit, and in other parts of the world they measure in Celsius.