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lines of latitude

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Q: What lines are parallel to the equator?
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What are lines that run parallel from the equator called?

There are no parallel lines that run FROM the equator. Lines that are parallel TO the equator are the latitudes.

What Lines of run parallel to the equator?

Lines of Latitude encircle the Earth, running parallel to the Equator.

Do the longitudinal lines run parallel to the Equator?

No, the longitudinal lines run perpendicular to the Equator, from the North Pole to the South Pole. They converge at the poles and are farthest apart at the Equator.

Lines that run parallel to the equator are called?

Lines that run parallel to the equator are called latitude lines or parallels.

What are the lines parallel to the equater called?

The lines parallel to the equator are called lines of latitude.

What are the lines of Latitude caled on the equator?

There is only one line of latitude on the equator, and the equator is it.

What line run parallel to the equator?

Lines of latitude are parallel to the equator, and that includes the Arctic and Antarctic Circles. The Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn are also parallel to the equator.See the link below

Is Lines of latitude is parallel?

Lines of latitude run parallel to the Equator (which is zero latitude).

Are lines of latitude parallel?

Yes they are. They are parallel to the equator.

Lines of latitude are horizontal or vertical?

Lines of latitude are horizontal lines that run parallel to the equator. They measure the distance north or south of the equator in degrees.

How do lines of latitude run in relation to the equator?

Lines of latitude circle the earth, parallel to the equator.

What directions are latitude lines used?

Lines parallel to the equator.