Topeka, KS, is in area code 785.
Topeka is in Kansas, it's the capital city.Topeka is located in Kansas. Topeka is located in Kansas.
There is a Kansas City, KS and a Kansas City, MO.NOTE: In both Kansas Cities there are multiple zip codes, you must enter a street name in order to obtain the correct zip code for which you seek.
In 1862
No state. Topeka is the capital of Kansas and Jefferson City is the capital of Missouri.
Topeka is the capital of Kansas.
Topeka is located in the state of Kansas.
topeka topeka
What is the temperature in Topeka, Kansas today
Topeka is the capital city of Kansas.
Kansas is the state which Topeka is the capital of. There are 2 states that begin with a K. Kentucky and Kansas. The capital of Kentucky is Frankfurt leaving Topeka, the capital of Kansas. Thank you!!!!!
Its 66442