The time difference between New York City and Frankfurt, Germany is typically 6 hours. Frankfurt is 6 hours ahead of New York City.
Spain and Germany are in the same time zone. There is no difference between the two countries.
Time difference between UK and Germany is one hour. In the UK it is one hour earlier than in Germany
The time difference between Chattanooga, Tennessee, and Germany is 6 hours. Chattanooga is 6 hours behind Germany.
Difference in local time in Adelaide and Singapore
There is a 1 hr. difference.
Its a 6 hour difference
There is a 6 hour difference.
Germany is 6 hours ahead of New York. When it is 12:00 pm in New York, it is 6:00 pm in Germany.
there is a 1 hour time difference
There is never a time difference between New York and Rhode Island.
The time difference between New York and California is 3 hours.