The Hindu Kush mountain range is about 800 kilometres or 500 miles long.
The Hindu Kush Mountains are on the border.
yes they are the Hindu Kush Mountain Ranges
The Hindu Kush is a mountain range located in central Asia.
the Himalayas and Hindu kush provided food and water for India
The Hindu Kush mountains are located on the head of Afghanistan and Pakistan
The narrow gap between the Hindu Kush is the Bosporus Strait
A Short Walk in the Hindu Kush was created in 1958.
They are the Hindu Kush Mountains (see link).
Hindu Kush is also known as Hindukush or Hindu Koh in Persian and Pashto languages, meaning "Kills the Hindu." It is sometimes referred to as Hindu Parbat or Hindu Raj in local languages, meaning "Hindu Mountain" or "Hindu Rule."
The Hindu Kush is a mountain range.
Yes the Hindu Kush divides Afghanistan, running from northeast to southwest.
The Hindu Kush Mountains cover most of Afghanistan.