The address of the Wheels Through Time Museum is: 62 Vintage Lane, Maggie Valley, NC 28751
104 miles
There is a distance of 569.4 miles from the center of Georgia to Fort Lauderdale in Florida. The estimated drive time by car is 8 hours and 12 minutes.
at 7:15 AM EST
30-45 min
about 3 hours driving time
2 hours and 30 mins. Of course depends on where in Ft. Lauderdale and where in Ft. Myers and the time of day.
Tampa Florida to Fort Lauderdale Florida is 266 miles and about 4 hours 6 minutes driving time.
MapQuest give it an estimated 33 minutes of driving time.
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 27 hours.
MaQuest estimates the driving time as 34 minutes.
It is 1264 miles. The driving time is about 21 hours.