The distance from Amsterdam, Netherlands, to Tokyo, Japan, is approximately 9,720 kilometers (6,040 miles). This is the great-circle distance, representing the shortest route between the two cities on the Earth's surface. It's important to note that actual travel distances may vary due to flight paths and connecting flights. Non-stop flights from Amsterdam to Tokyo take around 11 to 12 hours, making it a long-haul journey across continents. Travelers can expect a significant time difference and a diverse cultural experience when flying between these two vibrant and contrasting cities.
The flight distance from Amsterdam, Netherlands to Tokyo, Japan is 5,788 miles / 9315 km
1166.8 kilometers
Edmonton to Tokyo - 7,858.23 air km
856.14 kilometers
The total driving distance from Sassenheim, Netherlands to Amsterdam, Netherlands is 24 miles or 39 kilometers.
The total distance from Tokyo to Chicago is 6,313 miles.This is equivalent to 10,160 kilometers or 5,486 nautical miles.source:
The distance is 7573 km (4706 miles).
The total distance from Beijing to Amsterdam is 4,856 miles. This is equivalent to 7,814 kilometers or 4,219 nautical miles.
It is 5471.32 miles (8804.99 kilometers).
305 kilometers or about 190 miles
10,326.67 miles (16,619.13 kilometers)
5,603.01 miles (9,017.15 kilometers)