About 245km
The driving distance from Swift Current, SK, Canada to Wrentham, AB T0K, Canada is 226.02mi / 363.74km
It takes approximate 1 hours 40 minutes travel time from Swift Current, Saskatchewan to Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, a distance of 173.7 kilometers via the Trans Canada Highway.
It is 591 miles according to Google Maps.
Driving, it would take about 1 hr and 15 min.
too many to list. Prince Albert, Lloydminster, Yorkton, Regina, Saskatoon, North Battleford, Swift Current, to name a few.
in swift current Saskatchewan
It's roughly 375 miles.
237 kilometres across TRANS-CANADA HIGHWAY 1.
the main cities are Saskatoon, Regina Prince Albert Administer Lloydminster North Battle ford Yorktown Swift Current Estevan Weyburn Inelfort
They are Saskatoon, Regina, Prince Albert, Moose Jaw, Yorkton, Swift Current, North Battleford, Estevan, Weyburn, and Corman Park.