The distance in Oahu, Hawaii, from Kaneohe to Honolulu is 12 miles. That equals 19 kilometers and about 20 minutes of driving time.
The air distance from Houston, Texas, to Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii, is 3,901 miles. Thta equals 6,277 kilometers or 3,389 nautical miles.
The distance between Kauai and Oahu is 108 miles. The flight distance between the two locations is approximately 35 minutes.
8000 miles
The air distance from Alexandria, Virginia, to Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii, is 4,835 miles. That equals 7,781 kilometers or 4,202 nautical miles.
The air distance from Atlanta, Georgia, to Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii, is 4,500 miles. That equals 7,241 kilometers or 3,910 nautical miles.
The air distance from Miami, Florida, to Honolulu, Oahu, is 4,863 miles. That equals 7,826 kilometers or 4,226 nautical miles.
Oahu in Hawaii Oahu in Hawaii
The capital of Hawaii (Honolulu) is on the island of Oahu.
The nautical distance is 2,220 miles. The statute distance is 2,532 miles.