638 miles by road.
"There is no Wendover NV, although there is a Wendover, UT. There is a West Wendover Annex in Nevada. If this is the location specified, the distance rages from 368-450 miles (depending on the road )"
The shortest driving distance is 257 miles.
It is 671.80 miles according to MapQuest.
Wendover is in Utah
Wendover, NV is about 125 miles southwest of Elko, NV. The driving distance between the two cities is approximately 150-160 miles, depending on the route taken.
It ia 740.39 miles according to MapQuest.
The population of Wendover is 7,619.
It is 1,401 miles according to Google Maps.
Brothels are not legal in Wendover.
The address of the West Wendover Branch Library is: 590 Camper Dr, West Wendover, 89883 5040
The distance from Denver, Colorado to Quito, Ecuador is 3,224.27mi. or 5,188.82km.