There are about 31.6km between Calais, France and Cap Gris-Nez.
This is the route:
What is the distance between Calais and Rouen?
It is 44 miles from Folkestone to Calais.
The distance between Calais and Dover in Kent is about 32 kilometers.
The driving distance from Calais, France to Malta is 1,700mi / 2735.6km
It is 31 Miles from Calais to Dunkirk
calais to lourdes
It is 422 Miles from Lorient to Calais
It is 145 Miles from Calais to Chartres
It is 326 Miles from Calais to Tours
It is 66 Miles from Calais to Lens
The driving distance from Calais, France to Nynashamn, Sweden is 1,090 miles / 1755 km
The driving distance from Amsterdam, Netherlands to Calais, France is 226 miles / 364 km