4 and half hours
80 miles 80 miles
The distance between the start point and the destination is 292km, and will take approximately 3 hours 22 minutes of driving time.
The distance of the shortest route is 164.66 miles, and the distance of the longest route is 173,36 miles.
The total distance from Picton, Canada to Barrie, Canada is 129 miles as the crow flies. This is equivalent to 208 kilometers or 112 nautical miles.
The driving distance from Brighton, Ontario, Canada to Barrie, Ontario, Canada is 234.16 kilometers. The drive takes 2 hours 15 minutes via ON-401 W and ON-400 N.
It is 314 kilometers from Barrie to Flinton via Trans-Canada Highway/ON-7 East.
341 km
It is 1,163 miles according to Google Maps.
Given is the calculated distance as well as the driving travel time, which does not take into account driving conditions, traffic, etc. The distance between Barrie, Ontario and Windsor, Ontario is 424 km. The resulting travel time is 4 hours and 58 minutes.
What is the postal code for Barrie, Ontario Canada
The driving distance from Barrie, Canada to Saint Clair Shores, Michigan is 264 miles / 425 km