The one in Vermont is 170 miles from Montreal.
The flight distance from Montreal, Canada to Montpelier, Vermont is: 99 miles / 159 km
Stowe to Montreal can take anywhere from 1&1/2 to 3 hours by car depending on traffic and the border.
The distance between Texas and Vermont is approximately 1,700 miles.
about 37 miles
120 miles
The bus ride from Burlington, Vermont to Montreal, Canada is about 1 hour and 45 minutes in length. This is about 97 miles in distance.
It's about 55 miles to the border; about 100 to Burlington.
burlington vermont
The flight distance from Boston, Massachusetts to Vermont (VT) is: 143 miles / 230 km
The flight distance from Boston, Massachusetts to Vermont (VT) is: 143 miles / 230 km
Service is provided from the Essex Junction Station in Burlington via the Vermonter. Montreal is not served by Amtrak. Via Rail does operate trains in Montreal.