The approximate distance between Toulouse in France and Carthage in Tunisia is around 1,300 kilometers (800 miles) when traveling by air.
The road distance between Bergerac and Toulouse is 207 km. The driving time is about 2H30.The distance as the crow flies is 160 km or 99 miles.
The difference in miles between Toulouse-Matabiau, France and Toulouse Blagnac, France is approximately 4.9 miles. By car, the trip between the two cities would take about 25 minutes in total.
The shortest driving distance is 74 miles.
1,250 kilometres following E-80.
Aprox. 364 miles
The distance between Carthage TX and Houston TX is about 193 road miles.
distance = 562 km, (349 miles) driving time = 05H50
distance = 562 km, (349 miles) driving time = 05H50
The driving distance is approximately 130 road miles - about two hours of driving time.
58 miles
1500-1700 miles, you can measure on google earth